* The Pilgrimage Of The 13 Blood Moons
Teufelsberg-Berlin, Berlin
Reincarnated trees
, La Chocolaterie de Pont-Aven, Bretagne - France
* Atelier The Alchemist´s Room, Berlin
* Ocean Shores, Bretagne, France
* Galerie d´Art Coromandel, Riec sur Belon, Bretagne, France
* Parc de Sculptures Ar Vevenn II, Le Trevoux, Bretagne, France
* Galerie d´Art Coromandel, Pont-Aven, Bretagne, France
* Forest, Chateau de Rustéphan, Bretagne, France
* Tabor-Kirche, Berlin
* Gerichtshöfe 13 , Berlin
* Die Wiesenburg-Berlin, Berlin
* Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläa-Kirche, Berlin
* The Pilgrimage Of The 13 Blood Moons
has been exhibited at every
Full Moon all throughout the year of 2018, a year with 13 Full Moons.
Each exhibition was accompanied with a Full Moon Ritual celebrated by
Life Is A Dream And Only In Death do We Become Truly Awake
Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel, Germany
* The Residence Of The 13 Blood Moons
Teufelsberg-Berlin, Berlin
* Full Moon Ritual
* Tacheles - Kulturbotschaft Berlin-Lichtenberg, Berlin
* Full Moon Ritual by
Day of the Dead: A Life Celebration!, Kaduka Berlin, Berlin
* Projektraum Museum Teufelsberg, Teufelsberg-Berlin, Berlin
* Full Moon Ritual
"Life Is A Dream And Only In Death do We Become Truly Awake" Mexican Day of the Dead Festival, Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel Germany